Friday, February 27, 2015


It is a linear element that helps to organizing the spaces in a symmetry and create balance. Visual focus and structure are determined with it.

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It depends on an axis, without it symmetry cant exist. It occurs when the pattern of spaces or objects repeat itself keeping the axis in center, basically cutting them half. There are two types of symmetry; bilateral and radial.

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It can be created by having a visual emphasis in the space. There can be three types of hierarchy; by size, by shape and by placement. We see this principle being applied in pretty much most architecture. It helps to identify the importance of the spaces and the roles the spaces play for the users.

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It could be a line, plane and volume that deals with grouping elements which may not be related and may be placed in a random pattern. It acts like an axis to organize the elements.

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The consistent or varied arrangement of elements or spaces that create a movement as the sequence of spaces and elements.

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When a pattern continued with a common element,this repetition aids to create a rhythm with the elements or spaces. It can occur by size, shape or detailed characteristics.

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It is basically the change in movement or notion of an element or spaces. This transformation can be structural as well.

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Friday, February 20, 2015


Golden Section

When smaller parts are related to the whole in mathematical terms, it is know as the golden section or the golden ration to the golden rectangle. We see this equation all around us. This occurs when a shape repeats itself within itself keeping true to its proportions. 

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The Orders

For structure and stability of architecture columns. In ancient times, Greeks and Romans used them a lot. There are five basic columns; Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite. 
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Renaissance Theories

This simple math progression had led Pythagoras, a famous mathematician,  to discover the theory which the Greeks think help understand harmony in a bigger picture. The ratios (1;2, 1;3, 2:3, 3:4) influenced the Renaissance architecture and Greek music. Which led the renaissance architecture to devise ratios in a continuous series which aid in the forming the dimensions of the room and the interlocking of the plan as well.

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􏰀The Modular

Le. Corbusier developed this system by using the before theories. He used the human body to make new measurement by referencing to the golden section. 

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Shaku is a Chinese unit of measurement that was used by the Japanese in the Middle ages.It is used as a module (ken) to determine the not only the structure but also the materials and in space of Japanese architecture. There are two methods of ken; Inakama method and Kyo-ma method. They both use the measurement the ratio 1:2.

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Anthropomorphic system using the human body proportions and size as a key concept. We see this system applied mostly in furniture. 


Scale determine the physical size of an object in relations to spaces or other objects. There are two scales, Small and large. Both of them are compared to the normal size to understand the scale. It is used as a design element in the interior spaces.

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Friday, February 13, 2015


􏰀Building Approach
There are three methods to enter into a building. Frontal, oblique and spiral. The whole experience on how to reach or enter the building will depend and change on these three methods.

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Building Entrances
Where the entrance is located, will influence the movement of going in and out a building or another space. There as three main types of enter; flush, projected, or recessed.

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􏰀Configuration of the Path

Paths leading to a space always start with at point and the scale of the pathway can determine the importance of the space that it leads us to. Paths leading towards public spaces tend to be bigger then paths that lead to private spaces. There are 6 types of configuration of paths; linear, radial, spiral, grid, network, and composite. 

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􏰀Path-Space Relationships
The way the path links spaces can change the relations of the connecting spaces. There are three relationships of path-spaces; Pass by spaces, pass through spaces and terminate in a space.

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Form of the Circulation Spaces 
Enclosed, open on one side and open on both sides are three-forms circulation spaces we see. They are needed so that spaces can be function able for people to live in and experience the space without any difficulty. 

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